Node Director
Object Schemata


Common Attributes

General / Base Dir

The position within the database tree where the object is stored.

Common Documentation Attributes

Documentation / Category

The name of the category this object should appear in the documentation.

Documentation / Category

Currently not effective, sorry.

Documentation / Image

A list of images to appear together with the document text. Note that you cannot influence the position of the images relative to the text. If you need a particular image to be visually linked to a particular text, please add AdjDocText objects with both the images and the related text.

That images may be added in multiple formats. It is mandatory to add them at least in one well-known bitmap format (GIF, PNG) since this is the common denominator of all the document processors. For some target document formats the document processor might prefer vector oriented formats if the image is available in both bitmap and vector format.

Documentation / Text

A list of texts appearing in the document text. Text document types that can be directly rendered by the document processor are included as text, while others will appear as link to the original text document.

Common Documentation Attributes

General / Heading

The heading to be used with this object (if the documentation object is usually included as a section with a heading). When Heading is not filled in, then normally the object's name will be used as a heading.

General / Description

Descriptive text. If the documentation object generates a section on its own, the description is usually appearing a subheading.

General / Detail Level

If the effective detail level of the document being generated is lower than the detail level of this object then the object is not going to be included in the documentation.

Documentation / Category

Semantics currently undocumented, sorry.

General / Autodoc Relation

Manually maintained documentation objects may replace or complement automatically generated documentation objects. If so, the Audodoc Relation tells the document generator, to which automatically generated objects this object is related to.

Each autodoc relation is composed of a mode and the name of the automatically generated object.


annihiliate name

in order to make neither the manually entered nor the automatically generated object to appear in the documentation.


replaces name

in order to make the manually maintained object replace the automatically generated one.


adds name

in order to make the manually maintained object add supplemental information to the automatically generated one.