com | |
graeff | |
dbedit | |
fields | |
CheckBox | |
DomainName | |
FileSelection | |
HostName | |
IPAddress | |
List | |
MacAddress | |
Password | |
Selection | |
Text | |
importers | |
DN | |
List | |
Migrate | |
ObjectClass | |
Arguments | |
EditCLI | |
EditDaemon | |
EditError | |
Editor | |
EditPanel | |
EditUi | |
EventSource | |
ExpandHook | |
Field | |
FieldDriver | |
FieldManager | |
GenericFieldDriver | |
GenericImporterDriver | |
GuiEvent | |
IgnoreCaseString | |
Importer | |
ImporterDriver | |
ImporterManager | |
Interface | |
Parse | |
Record | A record is a set of attributes and associated values |
pwencode | |
Base64 | |
CryptEncoder | |
Encoder | |
EncoderImpl | |
jcrypt | |
MD4 | |
MD5 | This class implements the MD5 algorithm as described in RFC1321 |
MD5Crypt | |
MD5CryptEncoder | |
MD5Encoder | |
NTEncoder | |
RSAEncoder | |
SHA256CryptEncoder | |
SHA512CryptEncoder | |
WinDES | |
ice | |
syslog | |
Syslog | The Syslog class implements the UNIX syslog protocol allowing Java to log messages to a specified UNIX host |
SyslogDefs | |
SyslogException | |
novell | |
fi | |
iki | |
elonen | |
NanoHTTPD | A simple, tiny, nicely embeddable HTTP server in Java NanoHTTPD |
AsyncRunner | Pluggable strategy for asynchronously executing requests |
ClientHandler | The runnable that will be used for every new client connection |
CookieHandler | Provides rudimentary support for cookies |
HTTPSession | |
IHTTPSession | Handles one session, i.e |
Method | HTTP Request methods, with the ability to decode a String back to its enum value |
ServerRunnable | The runnable that will be used for the main listening thread |
TempFile | A temp file |
TempFileManager | Temp file manager |
TempFileManagerFactory | Factory to create temp file managers |
java | |
io | |
FixedInputStreamReader | This class reads characters from a byte input stream |
org | |
json | |
CDL | This provides static methods to convert comma delimited text into a JSONArray, and to covert a JSONArray into comma delimited text |
Cookie | Convert a web browser cookie specification to a JSONObject and back |
CookieList | Convert a web browser cookie list string to a JSONObject and back |
HTTP | Convert an HTTP header to a JSONObject and back |
HTTPTokener | The HTTPTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods for the parsing of HTTP headers |
JSONArray | A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values |
JSONObject | A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs |
JSONTokener | A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it |
Test | Test class |
XML | This provides static methods to convert an XML text into a JSONObject, and to covert a JSONObject into an XML text |
XMLTokener | The XMLTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods for the parsing of XML texts |
sfi | |
director | |
application | This package implements the SFI Director application layer |
autodoc | Automated documentation collection/generation |
sinfo | |
InfoApache1 | |
InfoCmd | |
InfoCups | |
InfoHandler | |
InfoISCBind | |
InfoNFS | |
InfoOpenLDAP | |
InfoSamba | |
urn | |
Fetcher | |
FetcherImpl | |
FileFetcher | |
ClassOfObjects | Abstraction for user/host classes |
CollectConfigFiles | Collect configuration files |
CollectHandler | Base class for all collection handlers |
CollectLshw | Collect information about hardware via lshw command |
CollectServices | Collect information about disk partitions |
CollectUnixPartitions | Collect information about disk partitions |
CollectWinProxy | Parent for all collectors basing on winwmi proxy |
CollectWinWMIApps | Collect information about hardware via windows wmi proxy |
CollectWinWMIHW | Collect information about hardware via windows wmi proxy |
CollectWinWMIPartitions | Collect information about hardware via windows wmi proxy |
ConfigFile | Config file meta information |
DependencyGraph | Service dependency graph |
DocBuilder | Builds documentation from the information in the configuration repository |
DocCategory | Category information |
DocChapter | Represents one chapter in the documentation |
DocDSDomain | Documentation for directory service domains |
DocExtDocu | Handles external documents |
DocInfo | Access to documentation records |
DocPHTML | Parses phtml documents, adjusts their title levels and adds anchors |
DocURNHandler | Handles retrieval of external documents identified by URNs |
DocXHTML | Base class for XML handlers |
FormatHandler | Documentation format handler |
Formathtml | |
FormatLaTeX | |
FormatODF | |
Formatraw | |
Formatsdep | |
Formatsplithtml | |
GraphvizGraph | Graphviz graph handling |
InfoCollector | Handle system information retrieval |
ServiceDepContainer | Service dependency container |
ServiceDependency | Service dependency abstraction |
config | This package implements config file handling / template engine |
Automounter | Handle automounter files |
CompatPasswd | Handle netgroup entries in /etc/passwd file |
ConfigDir | Config dir handler |
ConfigEngine | Save/copy/restore configuration files |
ConfigEnvironment | Holds environmental data for config file processing |
ConfigFileHandler | Config file handler |
CupsConf | Handle /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file |
CupsPrinters | Handle /etc/cups/printers.conf file |
EtcServices | Handle /etc/services file |
GenericFileHandler | Config file handler |
HerkeoisFbConf | Handles /etc/fb/fb.conf file |
InitTab | Handle inittab |
LoginDefs | Handle /etc/mail/access file |
MgettyConfig | Handle mgetty mgetty.config file |
MgettyDialin | Handle mgetty dialin.config file |
MgettyLogin | Handle mgetty login.config file |
NamedConf | Handle named.conf file |
NetgroupFile | Handle /etc/netgroup file |
NFSDFSTab | Handle /etc/exports file |
NFSExports | Handle /etc/exports file |
NoConfigHandler | Generic handler for configuration files without any config option |
NTPConf | Handle ntp.conf file |
NTPKeys | Handle NTP keys file |
NTPTickers | Handle NTP step-tickers file |
PostRestoreAction | |
ResolvConf | Handle resolv.conf file |
RestartServer | |
RestoreConfigEnvironment | Holds environmental data for config file processing |
RunCommand | |
SambaSMBConf | Config file handler |
SaveConfigEnvironment | Holds environmental data for config file processing |
SendmailAccess | Handle /etc/mail/access file |
SendmailCF | Handles /etc/ file |
SendmailCW | Handles /etc/ file |
SendmailMasquerade | Handles /etc/ file |
SimpleKeyColonHandler | Config files in simple "key: value" style format |
SimpleKeyEqualHandler | Config files in simple "key: value" style format |
SimpleKeyEqualSpaceTolerantHandler | Config files in simple "key = value" style format |
SimpleKeyHandler | Config files in simple "key value" style format |
SquidConf | Handle squid.conf file |
UUCPCall | Handle uucp call file |
UUCPConfig | Handle /etc/uucp/config file |
UUCPDial | Handle /etc/uucp/dial file |
UUCPDialcode | Handle /etc/uucp/dialcode file |
UUCPPasswd | Handle /etc/uucp/passwd file |
UUCPPort | Handle /etc/uucp/port file |
UUCPSys | Handle /etc/uucp/sys file |
executor | Classes in this package are expected to be implementations of the GenericConnection interface and will execute RemoteJobs with method equal class name |
appInventory | |
appInventoryPush | |
ArchiveIt | |
DSMerger | |
InstallFromArchive | Accepts an Archive archive as the input file and extracts it into a given directory |
InstallFromZIP | Accepts a ZIP archive as the input file and extracts it into a given directory |
scanRepositoryPush | |
ZIPit | |
objevents | This package handles events related with objects in the database |
EventEnvironment | |
Workflow | Implementing some higher level functionality set on top of EventEnvironment |
scripttask | Classes in this package are expected to be implementations of the ScriptTask interface and will be invoked while executing repository object related events |
AppInstallHost | Install missing applications on a host |
ApplyDomainTemplate | Given a domain builder record, slurps the matching template into the database |
AppRemoveHost | Remove superfluous applications from a host |
AppUpgradeHost | Upgrade applications installed on a host |
BootStrapDirector | Install one of the director bootstrap packages on a host |
BuildDependingDomains | Given an arbitrary input object search for all domains depending on this object and (re-)build them |
ChainEvent | Fire event using the same event environment but only when job becomes runnable |
ClassMemberApply | Apply an event to every hosts being member of a host class |
CollectSysinfo | Retrieve system information from a host |
ConfigHost | Config target host respecting sficonfig/sficofigtemplate attributes |
ConfigureNetwork | Given a host configures network settings on this host |
CreateHome | Create a user's home directory and - optionally - copy in a template |
CreateHomeDB | Create user home database |
CreateReleaseDir | Create an application release dir |
CupsDrivers | List all known CUPS drivers available on a host/group of hosts and write them out into a file |
D3HostDefine | Do a Director3 "host_define" for all hosts which have the Director3Managed option set |
DoAppImport | Scan a repository for DirectorPackage applications and put them under Director control |
DoAppInventory | Retrieve an application inventory from a host |
DomainBuild | Build DS domain |
DomainDepends | Determine dependencies in a directorDomainBuilder group |
EmulateRoot | Temporarily add system root user to the people database and remove it after a few secs |
FireEvent | Fire an event |
FreezeApplication | Freeze an application |
GroupOfMembers | Translate memberuid attribute into a member attribute using GroupOfMembers semantics * |
INFAppModules | Subscribe a host to all applications which are already installed on the host but the host is not subscribed to yet |
InjectUserSettings | Inject user settings in .natural/config .. |
PublishApplication | Publish application packages |
ReloadService | Given a host and a Domain Builder record with appropriate domain template configuration, reloads/restarts the corresponding service |
RemoveUserRef | Remove user references from Groups or Mailgroups |
Report | Generate Report |
RepositoryScan | Scan a repository for application packages and update the package database |
ResolveDependencies | Change user password in .director/credentials file |
ScheduleBuildDependingDomains | Given an arbitrary input object send a "dsupdate" command to the admin server so that it updates all the depending domains |
SetHostIP | Set vphysicalhost |
SetServerPassword | Change user password in .director/credentials file |
SetUserRef | Change membership in mailgroup/unix groups for a given user |
SetVHost | Set vphysicalhost |
Shell | Run a shell command on a destination host |
StoreAsDBChoice | Read a file line by line and store it as a DBChoice object |
SubscribeApps | Subscribe a host to all applications which are already installed on the host but the host is not subscribed to yet |
UpdateDomainsFor | Update domains for a single host |
WakeOnLan | Given a host configures network settings on this host |
ZoneUpdated | Given a host and a Domain Builder record with appropriate 'dnszone' template configuration, update the zone serial and reload the server if necessary |
AdminServer | Implements Admin Server listener |
ClassDefine | |
DaemonObjectEdit | Set up an object editor without any user interface |
DEBPackageHandler | Debian Package Handler |
Director3PackageHandler | This class handles Director native packages |
DirectorPackage | Implements basic packaging functions for Director's native package format |
FilePackageHandler | |
FilePackageInstaller | |
FrontendCallback | Interface for communication between a running protocol handler and the session control |
FrontendCredentials | |
FrontendDisposable | Interface implemented by objects which are cached and disposed after a limitted time period |
FrontendDisposableAdapter | |
FrontendEditor | Implements a handler for frontend object editors |
FrontendHTTPServer | |
SessionInfo | |
FrontendInterface | Implements communication protocol for frontends |
FrontendLogger | Logger used in conjunction with FrontendInterface |
FrontendSearchResults | Implements a cache/handler for search results |
HostDefine | |
HostPackages | |
INFAppUpdatePackageHandler | Debian Package Handler |
InstallerOpenLDAP | Reads configuration files and tries to expand includes |
PackageHandler | |
PackageInstaller | |
PackageList | |
PackageManager | |
PackageSession | |
Report | |
ReportFreeMarker | |
ReportTemplateEngine | |
ReportTwig | |
RPMPackageHandler | |
ScriptTask | Classes implementing ScriptTask provide a method create() which returns a workflow (JobNode) from an EventEnvironment |
SetPassword | |
SUNPackageHandler | |
SUNPatchPackageHandler | |
cli | The classes in this package implement all the commands available via the command line interface |
agent | Implements the agent command |
app_dist | Implements the 'app_subscribe' director command subscribing hosts/classes to applications |
app_extract | Implements the 'app_subscribe' director command subscribing hosts/classes to applications |
app_freeze | Implements the 'app_freeze' director command freezing applications |
app_import | Implements the 'app_import' director command putting applications under Director control |
app_subscribe | Implements the 'app_subscribe' director command subscribing hosts/classes to applications |
app_unsubscribe | Implements the 'app_unsubscribe' director command unsubscribing hosts/classes from applications |
archive | Implements the 'archive' director command archiving/extracting files |
build | Implements the 'build' director command building DS domains |
class_define | |
CLICommand | Every CLI command must implement the CLICommand interface |
CLILogger | Logger used in conjunction with CLI |
copy | Implements the 'copy' director command copying and merging databases |
create | Implements the 'create' director command raising events on directory objects |
debug | Implements the 'debug' director command |
delete | Implements the 'delete' director command removing database objects |
docclean | Erase documentation files that are not used any more |
docrefetch | Create documentation from repository |
docu | Create documentation from repository |
event | Implements the 'event' director command removing database objects |
frinterface | Implements the 'frinterface' director command starting the frontend interface server |
help | Implements the 'help' director command |
init | Create documentation from repository |
keyinit | Create documentation from repository |
list | Implements the 'list' director command printing database objects |
listconfig | Query config file package information |
listdirectories | Query config file package information |
listevents | Implements the 'listevents' director command removing database objects |
mkdepend | Implements the 'mkdepend' director command building DS domain dependencies |
modify | Implements the 'event' director command raising events on directory objects |
monitor | Implements the 'event' director command removing database objects |
olinstall | Create documentation from repository |
passwd | Implements the 'passwd' director command changing user passwords |
queuestat | Implements the 'queuestat' director command printing the job queue contents |
queueworker | Implements the 'queueworker' director command regularly scanning the job queue for runnable jobs and trying to execute them |
replay | Implements the 'replay' director command replaying jobs stored using the record feature |
restoreconfig | Implements the 'restoreconfig' director command restoring package configuration from a file |
saveconfig | Implements the 'saveconfig' director command storing package configuration in a file |
schema | Query object schema information |
serverstatus | Implements the 'serverstatus' director command |
setguipasswd | Graphical user password change command |
sfidirector | Implements the "sfidirector" main command |
shutdown | Implements the 'shutdown' director command |
storepassword | Implements the 'storepassword' director command storing database access credentials |
sysinfo | Implements the 'sysinfo' director command extracting and importing system information |
test | |
testdb | |
version | Implements the 'version' director command |
executor | The executor package is responsible for executing jobs using the information contained in the associated job objects |
AppExecutor | |
CmdExecutor | |
Executor | |
ExecutorManager | |
GenericConnection | |
NisLoad | |
gui | |
fields | Implements Director specific field data types used together with com.graeff.dbedit |
Application | |
BaseDN | |
Bootstrapper | |
ChooseUser | |
DataBase | |
DBChoice | |
DirDN | |
DocCategory | |
DocLocation | |
DomainRuleRef | |
DomainTemplate | |
DropField | |
HostClass | |
HostClassList | |
Invoker | |
Login | |
MailAddress | |
OSPattern | |
PersonClass | |
PersonClassList | |
ShadowDate | |
Template | |
Uid | |
importers | Implements Director specific importers/exporters used together with com.graeff.dbedit |
Expand | |
OptionEmbed | Import/export attributes with associated option attribute |
PasswordHash | |
Settings | |
invoker | Invokers are used as a job transport between different instances of the SFI director, for instance between the admin server and the agent |
AgentLogger | |
Connection | |
DirectorRSHInvoker | Invoke jobs via Remote Shell (rsh) command, run it as user 'sfiadmin' on the local machine like Director 3.x run_asroot did: |
DirectorSSHInvoker | Invoke jobs via Secure Shell (ssh) command, run it as user 'sfiadmin' on the local machine like Director 3.x run_asroot did: |
Invoker | Classes extending Invoker implement ways of submitting and executing jobs on remote systems |
InvokerException | |
InvokerManager | |
LoopbackInvoker | |
MasterLoopbackInvoker | |
Recorder | The recorder records jobs in a queue directory and plays them back on demand |
RSHInvoker | |
ServerAdapter | |
ServerConnection | |
ShellLoopbackInvoker | |
SSHInvoker | |
SSLInvoker | |
StreamCmdInvoker | |
StreamConnection | |
jobs | The job package implements both Job classes whose instances represent actions to be taken on target systems as well as JobNode classes glueing jobs together into workflows |
CatchAllLogsJob | |
Job | |
JobLogger | This logger logs log messages to a given job via the Job.log() method |
JobMonitor | |
JobNode | |
JobStatus | |
Notifiable | |
NullJob | |
RawJobMonitor | |
RemoteJob | |
repository | The repository package and its sub-packages are responsible for accessing and manipulating the repository via various database engines |
config | This package is responsible for accessing and manipulating specific object types at the appropriate locations, using the appropriate filters and knowing how the objects are related to super classes |
AccessPolicy | |
AccessPolicyRule | |
AccessRole | |
AccessRoleRule | |
AppGroups | |
Application | |
AppPackages | |
AppRepository | |
BootStrap | |
Classes | |
Contact | |
DBChoice | |
Debug | |
DesktopEntry | |
DHCPnetwork | |
Directory | |
DirectoryAccess | Access a directory |
DocCategory | |
DocComponent | |
DocConcept | |
DocContract | |
DocExtDocu | |
DocImporter | |
DocLocation | |
DocService | |
DocSoftware | |
DocSupplier | |
DocTools | |
DSDomains | |
DSRules | |
GlobalSetting | |
Group | |
GUIWizard | |
Hosts | |
InitPackageState | |
ItrEvent | |
ItrProject | |
ItrTask | |
Locks | |
MailDomain | |
MailGroup | |
MountTemplate | |
People | |
PersonClasses | |
Printer | |
Report | |
Schema | |
Services | |
Top | |
VPNConnection | |
ZarafaCompany | |
transform | The classes in the transform package offer conversion and transformation between different kinds of directory data |
AD2Group | |
AD2User | |
AddUidGid | |
ADProxyAddresses | |
AutoHome | |
AutoUserAttrs | Select users with uid between a given range from a set of users |
CompleteDN | |
Config | |
DefaultGroupMembers | |
DHCPRangeFix | Exclude fixed ip addresses vom ranges for ISC DHCP |
DHCPSort | Pre-Sort a set of DHCPnetwork and Host objects for emitting them via DHCPfile |
ExpandDesktopEntities | |
ExpandGroupOfGroups | |
ExpandObjects | |
ExpandPrinters | |
Group2User | |
GroupOfMembers | Pre-Sort a set of DHCPnetwork and Host objects for emitting them via DHCPfile |
HostApps2Automounter | |
HostAssignedGroups | |
HostAssignedUsers | |
Mail2Netscape | |
NISfromAutomaster | Transform directorAutomasterEntry objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromAutomounter | Transform directorAutomounterEntry objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromBootparams | Transform bootableDevice objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromDBObject | Transform ipProtocol objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromEthers | Transform ieee802Host objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromGroups | Transform posixAccount objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromHosts | Transform posixAccount objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromMailaliases | Transform mail aliases into nisObject objects |
NISfromNetgroup | Transform nisNetgroup objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromNetmasks | Transform ipNetmask objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromNetworks | Transform ipNetwork objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromPeople | Transform posixAccount objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromProtocols | Transform ipProtocol objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromRevNetgroup | |
NISfromRPC | Transform oncRpc objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromServices | Transform posixAccount objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromTimezone | Transform directorTimezone objects into nisObject objects |
NISfromYpservers | Transform ipHosts objects into a ypservers table objects |
Objs2Netgroup | Create a netgroup containing all the hosts and users of the input data set |
PHPFEGroupMembers | Transform PHPGWAccount into a phpgw_acl compliant ACL list |
PHPFEGroups | Transform posixAccount and posixGroup objects into objects ready to be inserted into a phpgw_accounts table |
PHPFEUsers | Transform posixAccount and posixGroup objects into objects ready to be inserted into a phpgw_accounts table |
PHPGWAcl | Transform PHPGWAccount into a phpgw_acl compliant ACL list |
PHPGWTable | Transform posixAccount and posixGroup objects into objects ready to be inserted into a phpgw_accounts table |
ReDN | |
Replace | |
RestrictUser | |
RHUserGroups | |
Schema | |
Script | |
Select | |
Sort | |
StripDN | |
SystemGroups | Select groups with gid between a given range from a set of groups |
SystemUsers | Select users with uid between a given range from a set of users |
TargetFolders | Imitate a structure already used in some target DB |
Transformer | |
User2Group | |
AliasesNidump | |
ApacheGroupFile | Read/write Apache http server AuthGroupFile style files |
ApachePasswdFile | Read/write Apache http server AuthUserFile files |
AutomasterFile | |
AutomounterFile | |
BootparamsFile | |
CupsDriversFile | |
CupsPPDDir | Handle /etc/cups/ppd CUPS PPD driver directory |
CupsPrintcapFile | Generate fake printcap file from CUPS printers |
CupsPrintersFile | |
DBAccessor | |
DBConnection | Subclasses implement a driver for accessing arbitrary databases |
DBFiable | |
DBManager | |
DBManagerDriver | |
DBObject | |
DBSet | |
DBSetIndex | Implements a search index for lists of DBObjects |
DHCPfile | |
DirectoryDB | |
DirectoryServiceMerger | |
DivertDB | Implements a write-only database expecting one or multiple <objectclass> objects each followed by a number of associated objects |
DN | This class implements an RFC2253 distinguished name |
DNSfile | |
DNSrevfile | |
EthersFile | |
FileDB | Subclasses implement a simple flat file based DBConnection usually used for accessing/writing objects in text based databases such as /etc/passwd |
FileWrapperDB | |
Filter | |
GenericAccessor | |
GenericDriver | |
GroupFile | |
HostDivertDB | |
HostsFile | |
Identifiable | |
JDBC | |
JSONDir | |
JSONFile | |
LDAP | |
LDAPndk | |
LDIFDir | |
LDIFFile | |
LDIFTree | |
MailAccessFile | |
MailAliasFile | Reads/writes mail alias files |
MailertableFile | The mailertable database driver |
MailNameFile | |
MemoryDB | This database driver implements a simple in-RAM database |
NameListFile | The namelist database driver |
NCDatabaseFile | |
NCIconFile | |
NCMenuFile | |
NCOdbcIniFile | |
NCPrintersFile | |
NCUserCfgFile | |
NCUserSettingsFile | |
NetgroupFile | Implements read/write of files in /etc/netgroup format |
NetmasksFile | |
NetworksFile | |
NidumpFile | |
NISTable | Implements access to NIS tables |
NullDB | This database driver implements a null database |
OnDemandDBConnection | Connect to a database the first time an operation is to be executed |
PasswdFile | |
PopmapFile | Implements "popmap" file format for Perdition IMAP Proxy |
ProtocolsFile | |
PseudoHomeDirs | Create home dirs for a set of users |
RpcFile | |
SambaPasswdFile | |
SchemaEnforcer | |
ServicesFile | |
ShadowFile | |
SyncDB | SyncDB passes on any append/replace/whatever requests to a
wrapped DB connection |
SyncPartialDB | Same as SyncDB but explicitly excludes database records with directorManaged attribute set to 0 |
TimezoneFile | Implements read/write of files in /etc/timezone format |
UserDivertDB | |
VirtusertableFile | Reads/writes virtusertable files |
retriever | The retriever package provides a simple method of accessing local and remote files via an URL |
AtomicFileRetriever | The AtomicFileRetriever tries to replace target files in one (nearly) "atomic" rename operation after file close |
AtomicFile | |
BackupFileRetriever | The BackupFileRetriever is identical to the AtomicFileRetriever |
BackupFile | |
CfgFileReader | Reads files from a retriever and expands include files |
CfgFileRetriever | |
FileInsertRetriever | The FileInsertRetriever tries to replace specially marked sections in target files |
FileInserter | |
FileRetriever | |
PipeRetriever | |
RemoteFile | |
Retriever | |
RetrieverDriver | |
RetrieverManager | |
ServerRetriever | |
StdIORetriever | |
schedule | This package implements the job scheduling functionality |
ParallelScheduler | |
Scheduler | |
SimpleScheduler | |
system | This package contains wrapper classes for system specific low level functions such as determining host names, file attributes, etc |
GCDebug | |
Files | |
FileStats | |
Hosts | |
Library | |
PlatformId | |
SysProcess | |
SystemArchitecture | |
UnimplException | |
util | This package is simply a collection of various useful stuff that did not make it into a distinct package |
InputStreamReader | |
AlienCfgFileReader | Reads configuration files and tries to expand includes |
Archive | Store a number of files in one stream |
ArchiveFilter | |
ArgumentException | |
AutoReaper | |
BackgroundProcessMonitor | Monitors background process, logs error output and calls waitFor() if they terminate |
Cache | Implements a cache for arbitrary objects |
ChecksumEmbedder | Embed file checksums in text file |
CleanUpable | |
Connection | |
Credentials | |
CSVOutputFormat | |
DataTransferHook | |
DataTransferHooker | |
DataTransferInputStream | Used for program internal data streams |
DataTransferOutputStream | Used for program internal data streams |
DateInOut | |
DebugThreads | |
DirectorException | |
DirectorThread | |
DiscardingBuffer | |
EMailAddress | |
ExpandVars | |
FileListComparer | FileListComparer compares a list of files injected with compareNext() calls and their attributes with a list of files held in a text file |
FileStore | |
FWManager | |
FWManagerDriver | |
Identifiable | |
ImageInfo | Determine info about an image file |
Init | |
InterceptArchive | Fake archive, not actually storing files, but only their references |
KnownCredentials | |
Lock | |
LogEntry | |
Logger | |
MyComparator | |
MyProperties | |
NanoHTTPD | Derived from Jarno Elonen's NanoHTTPD class |
NullOutputStream | |
ObjectClassException | |
ObjectRegistry | Every object class the Director knows of needs to be registered in the Object registry |
Options | |
Setup | The Setup class' task is to determine various configuration things on startup, set up database connections, init drivers / executors / invokers, etc |
SiteSetup | |
StoppableThread | |
StreamPseudoSocket | |
StringComparator | String comparator for Tools.sort() method: Sort strings in ascending order |
Stub | |
SURL | URL similiar to |
SyslogThread | |
TempFile | |
TemplateCSVOutputModel | |
TimeoutThread | Implements timeout |
Tools | The Tools class is a collection of useful static methods |
UnixDomainSocket | |
UnixDomainSocketFactory | |
XmlCreator | Create simple XML text documents |
ZipArchive | Store a number of files in one stream |
s_portmap | |
s_thread_data | |