Node Director
Object Schemata

Host objects. More...

Host objects.


General / Host

The name of this host.

General / Description

Descriptive text or comment describing this host.

General / Classes

The class(es) the host inherits information from.


Options applying to this record.

Options have a name and a value. An option entry looks like
where the name is a string composed of alphanumeric characters including '-' and '_' and value is an arbitrary string. For boolean options the equal sign and the value can be omited. The presence of the option name is handled as setting it to true.
Known Options:
While you can use arbitrary self-defined options (for instance for filtering hosts by options), at the moment the following options have a special meaning:
The method used for software package maintenance. Defaults to PackageManager (install applications via the systems native package manager). Alternatives are: DebianTaskPackage whicht builts a debian package installing packages through dependencies when it is installed.

Network / Aliases

Alternative host names.

General / Icon

An icon to be displayed for this object rather than the default one. If this is a relative path, then an icon is taken from the effective skin directory. The icon may also be an absolute URL pointing to some external location.

Network / IP Address

The IP address of this host. Currently, only one IP address per host is supported in contradiction to the standard.

Network / Net Mask

The network mask.

Network / MAC Address

MAC address of the host. Only one is supported at the moment though a host may have multiple ones.

Hardware / Hardware Setting

Only effective for natural computing environments

Hardware / Assigned Printers

Only effective for natural computing environments

Contains Public Folder

If checked this server provides the Zarafa public folder structure

Zarafa Socket

File path of the Zarafa communication socket (usually /var/run/zarafa)

Zarafa HTTP Port

Zarafa port for HTTP connections (usually 236)

Zarafa SSL Port

Zarafa port for SSL connections (usually 237)

Common attributes

Documentation / Collect Proxy (sfidoccollectproxyurl)

URI describing how to get to host information for the automatic documentation scanner. Composed of a method and a path like


Currently, only the method winwmi is available. If the wmi method is used, the path specifies a directory where a file hostname.wmi is to be found as created by wmi-scan.exe.

Common Attributes

General / Base Dir

The position within the database tree where the object is stored.

Common Documentation Attributes

Documentation / Category

The name of the category this object should appear in the documentation.

Documentation / Category

Currently not effective, sorry.

Documentation / Image

A list of images to appear together with the document text. Note that you cannot influence the position of the images relative to the text. If you need a particular image to be visually linked to a particular text, please add AdjDocText objects with both the images and the related text.

That images may be added in multiple formats. It is mandatory to add them at least in one well-known bitmap format (GIF, PNG) since this is the common denominator of all the document processors. For some target document formats the document processor might prefer vector oriented formats if the image is available in both bitmap and vector format.

Documentation / Text

A list of texts appearing in the document text. Text document types that can be directly rendered by the document processor are included as text, while others will appear as link to the original text document.

Common Documentation Attributes

Documentation / Category

The name of the category this object should appear in the documentation.

Documentation / Category

Currently not effective, sorry.

Documentation / Image

A list of images to appear together with the document text. Note that you cannot influence the position of the images relative to the text. If you need a particular image to be visually linked to a particular text, please add AdjDocText objects with both the images and the related text.

That images may be added in multiple formats. It is mandatory to add them at least in one well-known bitmap format (GIF, PNG) since this is the common denominator of all the document processors. For some target document formats the document processor might prefer vector oriented formats if the image is available in both bitmap and vector format.

Documentation / Text

A list of texts appearing in the document text. Text document types that can be directly rendered by the document processor are included as text, while others will appear as link to the original text document.